“I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.”
― Banksy
I think this theory can be true for works, art works as well. When a work dies? If dies, mean is alive so when a work is alive? What makes IT alive? I don’t know, I only think, I only have an opinion.
When the artist starts working on something even if its an idea and yet nothing material, if its quiet enough you can hear some heart beats, some extra heart beats- those belong to the idea is forming. As a fetus, the work has to be out in the world and only then when viewed and looked at for the first time IT’s life truly begins.
Ok, so we have the work like a baby, crawling around making funny noises and pulling funny reactions from people around but at one point is getting old, it starts getting wrinkly because of the time pressing down on it.
Death for it is when the last person sees it, not necessary at the end of exhibition when the lights are shut and the door closed but when the last person, the last living person remembers it and thinks about it even for less then a second.
What about not living persons? Just joking that’s another story.
So what is more sad than a dark room behind a museum with works and pieces pulled out from exhibitions, from the centre of attention like a crypt in a cemetery at the edge of a city. A dark room with works and ideas that never got to somebody to see, never got to the light-condemned to die before breathing. So put your work out there, don’t be a murderer.